Enabling Precision Oncology in Irish Healthcare

As cancer therapy becomes increasingly personalised and tailored to individual patients, it's vital that we ensure that our healthcare system has the necessary capabilities to take advantage of this revolution in cancer care. We were delighted to recently host a 2-hour long expert panel discussion on this very topic. Organised in collaboration with Janssen pharmaceuticals and hosted in UCD, this event featured a panel of internationally recognised experts (listed below) assembled to look at the topic of precision oncology within the Irish healthcare system from different angles and perspectives. 

Prof. Walter Kolch Director of Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) & Director of Precision Oncology Ireland (POI)

Prof. Donal Brennan Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, UCD School of Medicine & Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Mater Hospital Dublin.

Dr. Jerome Coffey Chairperson of the Board of the National Cancer Registry & Consultant Radiation Oncologist, St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network

Dr. Nicoline van Leersum EMEA Precision Medicine Leader, Janssen Sciences Ireland

Jan Rynne Patient advocate & founder of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Ireland


Expertly moderated by Dr. Ronan Glynn (EY Consulting), this was a truly fascinating event examining a topic of vital importance to the POI programme from diverse yet complementary viewpoints. A full recording of the event is now available on our streaming website. You can access it clicking this link and registering. 


Panellists (left to right, top row: Walter Kolch, Donal Brennan, (bottom row) Jan Rynne, Jerome Coffey, Nicoline van Leersum